Pre-bending plants
Presses designed for the edge crimping on sheet metal plates that will then be shaped to become a pipe.
Machines designed for multi-step bending of sheet metal edges, which will subsequently be bent into a pipe.
They consist of hydraulic presses with high concentrated load, 1000 ton/m, which move longitudinally along the edge of the sheet metal.
SOMO offers three types of solutions: single-machine, frontal opposite machines, staggered opposite machines.
Ease of use
High accuracy
Extreme automation
Technical data
With our state-of-the-art machinery, we offer our customers the possibility to realize the pre-bending edge crimping.
We distinguish ourselves with our ability to provide highly customized technical data adaptable to our customers' unique needs, ensuring that each customer gets exactly what they need.
Plants for pole production
Bending presses and complete plants for processing poles of any height and diameter.
Special applications
Plants made according to specific customer's requirements, equipped with customized equipment and devices.